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Terms and Conditions
Contractual Conditions of Service

CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. (hereinafter CryptoBlock), with address at Camino de Sa Torre, 6, 07159 Andratx – Islas Baleares, España and with N.I.F. B10538197, Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Mallorca, Volume 2944, Folio 223, Sheet number PM-93582, Inscription 1, is the owner of the website: www.cryptoblock.net through which the CryptoBlock platform is accessed.


These general conditions apply to all commercial relationships between the client and CryptoBlock, unless expressly agreed in writing. CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. is the Company responsible for the website www.cryptoblock.net, as well as its content, its main activity being to provide a service that allows the Client to buy and sell cryptocurrencies through CryptoBlock ATMs. These conditions must be accepted by the client to be able to use CryptoBlock services through any means or platform. If you do not accept these conditions in the request for services or in the registration process, you will not be able to use the CryptoBlock platform. With the express acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS, it is understood that the client has fully accepted the contract and, therefore, has previously read and understood each and every one of the terms, agreeing to comply with all the specifications established therein.


The purpose of this contract is the provision of a service for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies through any of the CryptoBlock media. CryptoBlock will be responsible for the correct provision of services through the Application. The client agrees to use the platform responsibly, exonerating CryptoBlock from any liability arising from inappropriate, erroneous or illegal use of the web platform or Application. CryptoBlock does not carry out any type of financial activity.


The General Conditions shall come into effect and, therefore, shall be applicable to CryptoBlock and the Client, from the moment the following conditions are met: The customer must have given their consent by checking the boxes labeled “I have read and accept the general conditions” provided in the application or by pressing the “Accept” button on the automatic teller machines. However, and in compliance with the provisions of Article 28 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.


The privacy policy contained in these General Conditions must be accepted together with them. The information you provide to CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. is absolutely necessary and is intended to provide you with the necessary services so that you can securely buy and convert CRYPTOCURRENCIES through the platform. The required data, which will be listed later, will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Your personal data will not be sold to third parties without your explicit consent. CryptoBlock may transfer your personal data to entities that provide services to it. CryptoBlock reserves the right to modify its conditions without prior notice, and it is the user’s responsibility to review these conditions accessible from point 9. It will be considered that, after one month from the date the modification of the Privacy Policy is made available to all customers, the customer fully accepts the new policy. During that same period, the customer may express disagreement with the updated Privacy Policy, and this will result in the customer’s termination of CryptoBlock’s service.


On the platform/application/website, you will find links to third-party websites that are governed by their own terms and conditions. CryptoBlock is not responsible for any transactions that the customer may conduct through these entities unrelated to CryptoBlock. Similarly, the Privacy Policy of these entities is independent of CryptoBlock, so the customer should be aware that both the General Conditions and the Privacy Policy are the sole responsibility of each entity.


Minors under the age of eighteen (18) are not allowed to use the services provided by CryptoBlock through the website or application. Therefore, any membership application from a minor under the age of eighteen (18) will be denied.


Cryptocurrency transactions are conducted directly, without the need for an intermediary. Unlike most traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies are not backed by any government and do not rely on trust in any central issuer. Instead, they use other systems to prevent double spending and achieve consensus among all nodes on the network. Each transaction made between clients on your network is recorded, and a digital signature is created to prevent fraud and counterfeiting. These transactions are permanently stored on the network.
Transactions made with cryptocurrencies that can be verified through certain internet addresses, such as https://www.blockchain.com/explorer, typically do not allow for the identification of the CryptoBlock client involved in a transaction. However, clients should be aware that the system cannot guarantee complete anonymity.
Due to the complex encryption and security procedures, counterfeiting or theft of cryptocurrencies is highly unlikely, but there is a risk that procedures or software may fail. Payments made by the client in cryptocurrencies are irreversible, and errors in legitimate cryptocurrency payments are very low because the system performs checks to prevent them. Most errors in payments result from human errors when entering incorrect data, so CryptoBlock is not responsible for payments that have not been made to CryptoBlock’s address.


All individuals or legal entities who access the CryptoBlock Platform or Application and provide the requested information during the registration process can use the platform and, consequently, the services offered to clients. Depending on the service, different levels of information will be requested to enable a more feature-rich service for the end user. This can range from a mobile phone number and transaction amount to also include name, surname, customer name, password, email address, security code sent to the email, security code required for two-factor authentication, profession, and date of birth.
The type of client will also determine the information to be requested, depending on whether it is an individual or a legal entity. This may require information such as ID, residence card, foreign identity card, or passport, invoices, video conferencing, deeds, shareholding structure, proof of business activity, etc., in accordance with the provisions of Law 10/2010, of April 28, on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, and other applicable legislation as deemed necessary.
CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. may request additional information in order to learn more about you as a client or obtain it through a third party. If any inaccuracies in the provided data are found in the third-party report, CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. reserves the right to unilaterally cancel the service agreement between them.


These terms and conditions apply to all transactions conducted through CryptoBlock ATMs. Please make sure to read them carefully before proceeding with any transaction.
Applicable Law: These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the location where the transaction takes place and are subject to the corresponding jurisdiction. CryptoBlock customers can find information regarding prices or commissions by checking the price of that digital asset in real-time on the ATM screen.
Data Verification: It is the customer’s responsibility to verify and confirm all transaction details before completing it at the CryptoBlock ATM. This includes, but is not limited to, the recipient’s address and the transaction amount.
Irreversibility of Transactions: Once a transaction is completed through a CryptoBlock ATM, it becomes irreversible due to the nature of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This means that once the transaction is confirmed, it cannot be undone, reversed, or canceled under any circumstances. Users should be aware that any request to reverse or cancel a transaction after this period cannot be processed.
Claims: Customers have a maximum period of 90 days from the date of the transaction to submit any claims to CryptoBlock. After this period, CryptoBlock will not accept or consider any claims related to the transaction, regardless of the nature of the issue.
Refund Policy: Due to the irreversible nature of transactions, CryptoBlock is not able to issue refunds for operations conducted through its ATMs. Users should exercise caution when conducting transactions and ensure that they are completing the operation correctly.
User Responsibility: When using CryptoBlock ATMs, customers take full responsibility for the transactions they make. CryptoBlock is not responsible for errors, misunderstandings, or incorrect transactions made by users.
By using CryptoBlock ATMs and conducting transactions through them, the customer accepts and commits to complying with these terms and conditions related to irreversible transactions. It is important for users to be diligent and careful when conducting transactions, as once completed, these transactions cannot be reversed.


Prices (conversion rates) are calculated based on supply and demand on our platform and are explicitly displayed on our ATM screens. The pricing for CryptoBlock’s Cash-In and Cash-Out services is determined by its relationships with third parties. In the event of a change in the terms of use of these services, CryptoBlock reserves the right to modify the conditions and may pass on these changes to its customers.
Customers can request CryptoBlock to lock in the price for a cryptocurrency purchase. To do so, they must make the purchase through a bank transfer and notify CryptoBlock of the payment. CryptoBlock will reserve the cryptocurrencies until the customer’s payment is received within the next 7 days. If, after the payment deadline, the customer’s funds have not been received by CryptoBlock, the customer authorizes CryptoBlock to demand payment through legal procedures, with the customer covering the expenses associated with these procedures.


This contract, if applicable, has a duration of one year from its acceptance and signature, and it is automatically renewable for periods of equal duration indefinitely, unless either party notifies the other of their intention not to renew. However, the customer may request the termination of the contract at any time. In any case, the customer cannot terminate the contract until they have fulfilled all their payment obligations to CryptoBlock.


12.1.- General information

In order to operate at CryptoBlock ATMs, if a customer wishes to buy cryptocurrencies, they must already possess a cryptocurrency wallet or public address with their respective associated private keys. The ATM also provides a system for downloading or obtaining a wallet completely free of charge. On the other hand, if a customer wishes to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat money, they must have cryptocurrencies in a wallet under their control. Additionally, they must accept all the terms of these General Conditions and Privacy Policy by checking the checkbox after reviewing them through the provided hyperlinks or by requesting them to be sent via info@cryptoblock.net.
In accordance with Article 27.1 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, CryptoBlock expressly states that it will archive the electronic document in which the Service contract is registered, which will be formalized in the corresponding language. If deemed necessary, CryptoBlock may require the customer to provide relevant data for compliance with the Law 10/2010 on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing; if the customer refuses to provide this data, CryptoBlock may unilaterally terminate the service. CryptoBlock reserves the right to temporarily suspend the customer’s operations until it can confirm their legitimacy.

12.2 Purchasing cryptocurrencies at ATMs

CryptoBlock ATMs allow the purchase of cryptocurrencies with legal tender currency. The customer will need to enter the amount of cryptocurrency they wish to acquire, their phone number or email address, and the public address of their wallet where they want to receive the cryptocurrencies. Next, the user will be redirected to the selected payment process, where they must make the payment. Once the payment process is completed, and after the legal tender money has been received by CryptoBlock, the user will receive a transfer of cryptocurrencies to their wallet. CryptoBlock is not responsible if the destination address provided by the customer in the purchase form is incorrect or if the customer cannot manage their private key that authorizes them to operate with the purchased cryptocurrencies.

12.3 Sale of cryptocurrencies at ATMs

CryptoBlock ATMs allow for the conversion of cryptocurrencies into legal tender currency. To provide this service, CryptoBlock will purchase from the customer the equivalent amount in cryptocurrencies of the euros in cash that the customer wishes to obtain, deducting the various applicable costs. The ATMs will automatically provide information on the amount in cryptocurrencies that needs to be sent and the public address or destination wallet.
If the user sends the incorrect cryptocurrency to the provided address, CryptoBlock is not responsible, and the cryptocurrencies will not be returned. All cryptocurrency transfers from the customer to the CryptoBlock platform can be verified using https://www.blockchain.com/explorer. The sale will not be completed if it is outside the specified timeframe or if fewer cryptocurrencies are sent than indicated. However, CryptoBlock may provide a customized solution that the user must confirm.

12.4 Supported Cryptocurrencies

Below is the list of cryptocurrencies supported by CryptoBlock:
Bitcoin Tether

12.5 Taxes

The user is responsible for determining which taxes apply to the transactions made through the sales channels, and it is the user’s responsibility to report and remit the correct tax to the corresponding tax authority. You agree that CryptoBlock is not responsible for determining whether taxes apply to your transactions or for collecting, reporting, withholding or remitting taxes arising from any transaction.


CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. commits to:
– Attend to all inquiries that the Customer may issue as a result of using the services included on the website with the utmost diligence.
– Provide customer service in accordance with the terms established in these conditions.
– Maintain the CryptoBlock platform operational 24 hours a day, except for temporary interruptions due to website maintenance services, technical or computer issues such as internet outages caused by any reason, cyberattacks, and similar situations that temporarily make service provision impossible. Service will be restored as soon as the issues are resolved.
– Notify any movement that CryptoBlock may consider suspicious for the purpose of compromising the security of the customer’s account, for subsequent analysis thereof.
The Customer agrees to:
– Provide the required information in the forms in the cases indicated in the previous sections when conducting a cryptocurrency sale.
– Confirm acceptance of these General Conditions by checking the box in the application that invites you to accept CryptoBlock’s terms and conditions.
– Communicate to CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. all the necessary data for access and use of services that require prior identification, which must be truthful, up-to-date, and in accordance with reality.
– Take the necessary security measures, both personal and material, to maintain the confidentiality of relevant data provided by CryptoBlock or its partners, and immediately notify CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. of any loss, misplacement, theft, unauthorized access to your account, or if such information becomes known to third parties.
– Make appropriate use of the services included in the CryptoBlock platform, always in compliance with the legal framework.
– Not engage in any activity that hinders or interferes with the operation of the services included on any CryptoBlock platform.


The user acknowledges that they understand and have the necessary knowledge to use blockchain systems and services, and that they are fully aware of the risks associated with buying and selling cryptocurrencies and using the blockchain. CryptoBlock will not be responsible for any loss of cryptocurrencies or situations that prevent access to them, which may result from any action or omission of the Customer.
The customer accepts that buying/selling cryptocurrencies may involve a high risk due to price fluctuations that can lead to an increase or partial or total loss of the investment. The customer acknowledges the risk involved in selling cryptocurrencies, and therefore, CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. will have no responsibility for the losses or gains incurred by the customer when selling their cryptocurrencies to CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L.
CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. is not a financial institution or a bank, so the cash that the customer withdraws from the ATM as the final operation, once the conversion to euros is done by CryptoBlock, is not deposited with this company. Neither this money nor the cryptocurrency payment made by the customer through the CryptoBlock platform or application is protected by any state fund or Spanish government insurance. CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. does not provide any advice to the customer in any area, whether it be fiscal, economic, accounting, commercial, or any other. Therefore, the decisions made by the customer are made on a personal basis.
Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, so the customer should take the utmost precautions when making a payment or providing a correct public address for their wallet. CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. assumes no responsibility for failures in the internet network or for software attacks by hackers that result in the loss or disappearance of cryptocurrencies owned by the customer. The customer declares that they are aware of all the risks associated with owning cryptocurrencies and therefore absolves CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L. of any responsibility for the loss of their cryptocurrencies.
Any issues with the operations of banking entities will be the sole responsibility of those entities. Similarly, any incidents arising from the use of legal currency payment and receipt methods will be the sole responsibility of the respective provider. However, in cases where an error may occur during the process of buying and selling cryptocurrencies, the customer can contact CryptoBlock support at the email info@cryptoblock.net.


The services offered through the CryptoBlock platforms comply with the provisions of Spanish law. CryptoBlock is not responsible for services that do not conform to the legal framework of other countries where the services offered through the CryptoBlock platform may be provided. CryptoBlock is released from any responsibility in the event of misuse of the CryptoBlock platform by the Customer.
CryptoBlock will not assume any responsibility for damages or losses that may occur as a result of events that could not have been foreseen or were inevitable, whether due to fortuitous events or force majeure. CryptoBlock is not responsible for any failure, technical error, accident, breakdown, manipulation, service interruption, or any other incident that may arise in equipment or technical services external to CryptoBlock that are necessary for the provision of the Service.
CryptoBlock will not be liable in cases of Service unavailability due to force majeure or temporary suspension of the Service for technical reasons. CryptoBlock prohibits the purchase of cryptocurrencies on CryptoBlock in exchange for a ransom typically demanded by ransomware (such as Cryptolocker). In such a situation, our team encourages all users to contact the police and never make the payment.
The Customer will be responsible for any damages that may have been caused to third parties as a result of the data provided. This includes, but is not limited to, the following actions: Use of outdated, false, or inaccurate data, and the use of the Customer’s personal keys by third parties.


CryptoBlock, if it deems it necessary, may assign or subcontract the contracts entered into with customers to other entities to fulfill the purpose of the contract as established in these General Conditions.


The service may be temporarily interrupted by CryptoBlock without prior notice in case it is necessary to carry out maintenance tasks that are required to ensure the proper functioning of the CryptoBlock Platform.
Failure by the Client to comply with the following obligations will result in the temporary suspension of the service on the CryptoBlock Platform:
– Detection by CryptoBlock of suspicious operations.- Lack of additional information necessary for the identification of the Client.- Refusal to accept possible updates to the General Conditions or Privacy Policy.
The suspension of the service will have the following consequences:
– The Client will not have access to the platform during this period and, therefore, will not be able to perform any operation on it.- This temporary suspension will become definitive after THIRTY (30) days from the beginning of the temporary suspension if the Client has not regularized their situation or provided the necessary information to continue operating on the CryptoBlock Platform.


This contract will be terminated for the following reasons:

– Non-acceptance of changes to the Privacy Policy, the General Terms, or the service price: The contract will automatically terminate.

– Non-compliance by either party with any essential obligation of the contract: The other party may unilaterally terminate this contract.

– Express wish of the customer: The customer may decide at any time to terminate the validity of this contract by communicating their decision to the following email address: info@cryptoblock.net.

When this contract is terminated for any reason, the customer cannot request CryptoBlock to undo the transaction or transactions carried out during the duration of the contractual relationship. Therefore, no refunds of cryptocurrencies sold to CryptoBlock or restitution of any legal currency (cash) can be requested.


If for any reason any provision of these General Conditions is considered null, this will not affect the rest of the provisions of the contract, which will remain in force for the established period.


In compliance with the provisions of Data Protection legislation, especially as stipulated in Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as its implementing regulations, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, CryptoBlock informs you that your personal data provided will be incorporated into automated files owned by CryptoBlock for processing purposes related to the contracted services. All data provided to CryptoBlock will be treated with the confidentiality and discretion required by current data protection laws, taking the necessary measures to prevent their loss, unauthorized access, and improper handling.

If the customer wishes, they may exercise their rights granted by the law, including access, rectification, cancellation, or objection, by marking the subject of the message as “Data Protection” and sending an email to the address info@cryptoblock.net or by sending a letter via postal mail exercising their right to the following address: CryptoBlock Technologies, S.L., located at Camino de Sa Torre, 6, 07159 Andratx – Islas Baleares, España.

All data voluntarily provided by the customer to CryptoBlock will be collected in a file under the responsibility of CryptoBlock and has been previously declared to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.agpd.es). Every time the customer provides personal data to CryptoBlock, they must explicitly accept the Privacy Policy, which informs them of the rights granted by the law and how to exercise them. The customer’s personal data are necessary to provide the contracted service. Therefore, if the customer does not wish to provide this data, they will not be able to register as a member of CryptoBlock.

The customer’s personal data will never be sold to third parties for marketing purposes unless the customer has explicitly consented to such transfer. By accepting the Privacy Policy, the customer agrees that their personal data and transactions may be disclosed to competent authorities in matters of money laundering, police and security forces, courts, or governmental authorities of all kinds, whether national or international, without limitation, with or without prior request, as required by the prevailing legislation at any given time.


CryptoBlock will voluntarily comply with the current regulations related to Law 10/2010 on the Prevention of Money Laundering and other complementary regulations. In this regard, CryptoBlock informs you that this regulation requires, among other obligations, the documentary identification of its customers, the collection of information about the nature of their professional or business activity, and reporting, either at the request of the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses or on its own initiative, any fact or transaction in which there is an indication or certainty that it is related to money laundering or the financing of terrorism.


The Customer has access to a Customer Service provided for direct contact with an agent via the following email address: info@cryptoblock.net.


The CryptoBlock platforms, their source code, and the content they host are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws. They may not be subject to exploitation, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, assignment, or transformation unless there is express written authorization from the rights holders. The design, images, labels, distinctive signs, trade name, trademarks, logos, products, and services contained in this CryptoBlock Platform are protected by Industrial Property law. Access to this CryptoBlock Platform does not grant Customers any rights or ownership over the intellectual or industrial property rights or the content it contains. Customers accessing this CryptoBlock Platform may not copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, assign, or sell the aforementioned elements or create new products or services derived from the information obtained without express written authorization from CryptoBlock. Alteration of the content or structure of this CryptoBlock Platform by the Customer is strictly prohibited. CryptoBlock reserves the right to take legal action against Customers who violate or infringe upon intellectual and industrial property rights.


This contract will be interpreted and governed in accordance with the current Spanish law. Both parties, with the explicit waiver of any jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit any interpretation or dispute arising from this contract to the Courts and Tribunals of Palma de Mallorca.

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